
Global Disaster Reduction and Relief


Global Disaster Reduction and Relief

Update 2024/07/04

The Mustard Seed Mission dedicated to providing disaster relief and recovery services in Taiwan and around the world. We believe that everyone deserves to live in a safe and resilient community, and we are committed to empowering communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.

Disasters are a growing threat to communities around the world. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, such as typhoons, floods, and earthquakes. Human-made disasters such as conflict and displacement are also on the rise, and recent pandemics like COVID-19 have demonstrated the devastating impact of infectious diseases. These events can have a devastating impact on people's lives, causing loss of life, property damage, and economic hardship.

Our Global Disaster Reduction and Relief project addresses the problem of disasters by:

  1. Building community resilience: We work with communities to develop disaster preparedness plans, train local leaders in disaster response, and establish community-based early warning systems. We also conduct disaster prevention education for children, families, and the whole community, using interactive and fun games and tools.
  2. Providing emergency relief: We provide food, water, shelter, and other essential supplies to people affected by disasters. We also mobilize and deploy our staff and volunteers to provide shelter, relief, and assistance to the affected people, especially in hard-to-reach areas. We coordinate and cooperate with local and international partners, and follow the humanitarian principles and standards.
  3. Supporting long-term recovery: We help communities rebuild their homes and livelihoods after a disaster. We not only offer financial aid and counselling, but also involve them in the planning and implementation of the recovery and reconstruction projects, respecting their culture and preferences. We also leverage our expertise and experience in medical and health care, and provide health education and services to the communities.
  4. Engaging in international disaster relief and aid: We also pay attention to and participate in the international disaster relief and aid work, and extend our love and compassion to the people in need around the world. We work with local and international organisations, and deliver funds and materials to the disaster areas. We also share our disaster prevention and recovery experience with the local communities, and help them build resilience and capacity.

Long-Term Impact
By working with communities to build resilience and provide emergency relief, we can help to reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by disasters, and we can help communities to recover more quickly and effectively. By supporting their post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, we can help them restore their dignity and hope, and improve their quality of life and livelihoods. By engaging in international disaster relief and aid, we can also foster solidarity and cooperation among the global community, and contribute to the humanitarian and sustainable development goals.

We invite you to join us in this project, and make a difference in the lives of people affected by disasters. Your donation will help us provide the necessary resources and support to the communities in need, and enable us to continue our work in disaster reduction and relief. Together, we can turn disasters into opportunities, and create a safer and more resilient world. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.
