
Diversified Learning Project for Mustard Seed Youth Home


Diversified Learning Project for Mustard Seed Youth Home

Goal:TWD 898,800
Update 2023/03/17


Children in Mustard Seed Youth Home in Hualien are suffering from low self-affirmation and have no confidence in themselves because of their circumstances and family background. But we believe that each child has different abilities and advantages, so in addition to the coursework, we also hope children can have more exploration through the activities of talent learning, adventure experience, summer camp, etc. to generate positive interactions and learning experience, as a process to gain their confidence!


In Mustard Seed Youth Home, children are mainly from dysfunctional families or fragile families; while some are referred by the court. Away from their families and being physically or mentally hurt, children are suffering from low self-confidence and misunderstandings of themselves. It also causes low self-identification. They don't know the meaning of life and they will usually mistreat their own life.


In this project, talent and sports courses are provided to children to find out their own value and build confidence. The learning process provides further chances for social workers to understand each child better and guide them properly. For children's future, career exploration is provided to them to understand various careers. Expert experience sharing, workplace visits, internship opportunities will be provided to children to gain positive experiences in order to build their confidence.

Long-Term Impact

Over 20 children will join the talent classes, 22 children and youths will attend the career exploration program and 20 children will participate in the summer camp. Through multi-learning and talent performance opportunities, providing children to improve confidence and are able to face future challenges bravely.
